What happend to brody and rex
What happend to brody and rex

what happend to brody and rex

Meeting Brody's sister Nadine, Dorian discovers that Brody is in fact alive disapproving of the match, Brody's mother had told Gigi he had died, and had told Brody that Gigi had moved on to another man. Threatened by Gigi's connection to her high school sweetheart Rex, Adriana sends her mother Dorian Lord to get information on the deceased Brody in 2008.

what happend to brody and rex

Gigi establishes in 2007 that Brody, the father of her son Shane, had died heroically overseas while she had still been pregnant. A hardened veteran of the war in Iraq, Brody had been "stop-lossed" several times during his tours of duty. Brody is a former Navy SEAL brought to Llanview by Adriana Cramer to distract Gigi Morasco from Adriana's fiancé Rex Balsom.

What happend to brody and rex